Medical Dictionary

Mönckeberg's sclerosis

noun Möncke·berg's sclerosis \ˈmŋk-ə-ˌbərgz-, ˈmeŋk-\

Medical Definition of MÖNCKEBERG'S SCLEROSIS

:  arteriosclerosis characterized by the formation of calcium deposits in the mediae of especially the peripheral arteries

Biographical Note for MöNCKEBERG'S SCLEROSIS

Möncke·berg \ˈmœŋk-ə-ˌberk\ , Johann Georg (1877–1925), German pathologist. Mönckeberg in 1903 described for the first time a form of sclerosis affecting the middle coat of the arterial walls especially of the extremities. In 1924 he published a follow-up report.


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